NAME: Aster Unknown, lost to time
ALIAS: "The" Lamb
AGE: Unknown (early 20s physically)
SPECIES: Sheep-based faun
PRONOUNS: they / it
ROLE: Hand of God / God of Death
HEIGHT: 4' 8''

it is unknown when the rumors surrounding the woods first began to spread — tales of a never-ending forest where the trees would grow larger and larger the further one explored. legends of strange two-legged animals appearing before travelers, speaking in the voices of men as they led adventurers astray...the sound of chanting in the distance, should you draw too close to Its the story goes, that something terrible had laid claim to these lands long, long ago...a feeling of dread overcoming those foolish enough to wander into the woods, only to never return from whence they came. the few who had managed to escape spoke in hushed whispers of what they had seen — the distinct feeling of something watching them from beyond the veil, the eerie silence as It approached them slowly, sacred blade in hand...and of course, the inherent knowledge of one's immanent end, should you find yourself straying too far from the marked paths.yes, the myths that these woodlands had built up for themselves over the years were certainly something to behold for oneself...but surely, these were nothing more than old wives' tales, right?...right?

WHAT THIS BLOG IS:-a canon divergent take on the core concepts behind cult of the lamb, rather than something directly based off of the franchise: i take things reasonably seriously here, and while i am not opposed to light-hearted moments or the occasional crack thread/joke, i am not sitting around and handling sensitive topics without the appropriate amount of respect that they deserve.-a world-building exercise: i have put a lot of thought and work into creating a setting and story for this blog that is both decently fleshed out as well as realistic enough to seem plausible. you can read some of what i have come up with here if you would like; just keep in mind that this is certainly not anything official.-an original creation: i like to consider myself as having a character that toes the line between being a canon character and an oc. nothing that i am writing is "technically canon" because there is no canon basis for their personality, backstory, and entire universe as a whole.WHAT THIS BLOG IS NOT:-official/canon/affiliated with the dev team in any way: i feel like that probably goes without saying, but...yeah. i am not a part of the fandom, i am not associated with the devs, and i do not necessarily co-sign any of their views/opinions/beliefs/etc etc.-a romanticization/excuse of cults or any other controversial content: ic =/= ooc, lamby =/= me. i am writing a character who does bad things, but i do not condone any problematic beliefs that this character may hold.-a joke: again, i am taking inspiration from the basic premise and lore of the game and expanding off of that, and while i am not against having some fun, i am trying to write a fairly serious story here. you are NOT going to see a lot of cult/poop/sex jokes because that's just...not the kind of energy that i'm trying to bring to the table.
